Location: United States

French teacher

Thursday, September 21, 2006

two weeks and counting

I have lived in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Vermont, South Carolina and Indiana. I have traveled as far west as California. I've spent a week in New Mexico and a few days in Colorado. I've gone camping in Kentucky. I've vacationed in Florida. I've visited friends in Pennsylvania and New York. I had one awful summer in Nebraska. And I still haven't seen all of the United States I want to see.
I've lived in Belgium, Switzerland and Germany. I've studied and travelled through France (with and without students). I was introduced to Norway, Denmark and Sweden at the age of twelve. My senior class trip took me to Greece! I've taken students to Quebec, and I did a workshop in Nova Scotia. I've been to Italy and Spain, Luxembourg, England and most recently to Ireland. And I've barely scraped the surface of what I would like to see in the world.
Now I have the opportunity to live and work for six weeks in Morocco. I'm excited, but all of a sudden I'm getting nervous. As much as I've seen and done, Africa and the Arab speaking world is very different from anything I've ever experienced before. I want so much to represent my country well. The United States is a wonderful country not because we are strong or rich. We are great, because the people in it are open and generous and free thinking and compassionate when we are at our best. That is what I hope the people I meet will see while I am there.
The picture was taken two summers ago in Germany. My friend, Dagmar, snapped the picture as I said, "Look at me! I'm in Germany!" I hope I am able to post pictures during my stay so that you can share my experiences and my enthusiasm. Thank you for stopping by.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madame... you got a blog... I love it ^_^


1:23 PM  

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