Location: United States

French teacher

Monday, October 27, 2008

Forks, Washington

All during last year, I watched my students devour the latest books by Stephanie Meyer: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and most recently, Breaking Dawn. I didn't understand the what's so great about vampires anyway?
We drove into Forks, Washington, and because I was hungry (as usual), I suggested we stop for lunch. We pulled into a little diner and had a mediocre meal, but on the way out I suggested we stop in the local drugstore which was advertising t-shirts on sale. As we entered, I saw signs advertising the books and assumed it was because the newest book had just been released. BUT NO! This was the mecca for the fans of the book, because this was the town where all the action took place. So I bought a bookmark that said "I was bitten in Forks" to bring back to one of my students and a friend at the bookstore. En route north of Forks, we passed this beach. Now that I've read the book, I can just picture the characters sitting on the driftwood talking about the history of the Native American werewolves and the visitation of the vampires. Here's the beach.


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